- Seniors Ball T-shirts
Celebrate the release of the CD by wrapping your torso with these awesomely dope 100 percent cotton tees featuring the SENIORS BALL lady on front. In men and womens styles, long and short sleeve.
- Lesion Posters
Have a favorite LESION poster? Misanthropic graphic designer John Bergdahl will sell you any LESION poster for a measly 25 bucks (plus shipping). All digital prints come on Epson art paper with archival inks. The more posters you buy, the less bare wall space you'll have to worry about.
- A Fan Writes
Details are sketchy, but Dr. Hurtz has promised a deluxe reissue of this classic compendium of fan mail very soon. Besides the original collection, this edition will include additional letters, and (possibly) the original LESION LINES, the unique invitations Dr. and the band would email announcing upcoming gigs (this was years ago, when they still spoke to each other, before they got old and bloated and stopped caring).
Contact Dr Hurtz and demand the deluxe reissue!
- Seniors Ball
The greatest record in the history of recorded sound is finally here. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can own it instantly! Includes throttling studio versions of I Am a Giant, Jump Ramp, So Well, Oh Well, The Witch's Tit and more.
Purchase from Bandcamp now
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